Monday, December 12, 2011

My Comments on Others' Videos

Here are the comments I left for others:

Comment on Austin G.'s video

Internet Safety

I love statistics. For some reason, they just put things into greater perspective for me. Because of this, I immediately went looking for the numbers of adolescents who engage in online material. I was shocked by the numbers I came up with. Ninety-three percent of teenagers in the United States are online. One in seven of those teenagers have been sexually solicited online, and one in three of them has been the victim of cyberbullying. The internet can be a great source of good, but it can also be a great source of bad. I don't have any kids of my own right now, but I do have nieces and nephews who are entering adolescence. In their schools, they are increasingly being taught how to manipulate various technologies; technologies that I have only just recently started becoming familiar with. I think the best way a parent can help his/her children is to stay informed on the various technologies out there so that he/she can adequately prepare children for the dangers that may come with it.

For my interview, I taught my sister-in-law about the things I learned. She has 4 children of her own, 2 of which are about to enter adolescence. When I asked what she knew about internet safety, her only response was that she knows about the dangers of pornography. Being LDS, this came as no surprise. The church highly emphasizes the dangers of pornography and cautions us to avoid it at all costs. However, we don't often hear about cyberbullying, or creating new identities. These are the two topics I shared with my sister-in-law. She was the most shocked at the number of kids who are the victims of cyberbullying. She, in turn, shared some stories of incidents her siblings have encountered with their kids and internet safety. Overall, our talk was, I felt, productive. We were both able to teach each other something. My sister-in-law stated that it's a scary world. The only thing we can do is be good parents, teach our children correct values, and hope they make the right decisions.

Here are the resources I used:

Monday, December 5, 2011

IPT Multimedia Project

Well, here it is. I didn't think I'd be able to do it, but I'm happy to say it turned out even better than I imagined. Hopefully, you guys like it.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Sunday, November 13, 2011


For my second personal technology project, I learned how to use Logger Pro. I had a lot of fun fiddling around with the different sensors I checked out. I chose two experiments that could be done using various probes. The following are screenshots from the experiments:

The screenshots titled "Temperature" and "Conductivity" are from the same experiment. A third sensor (the pH sensor) could also have been used in this experiment. However, I had not checked that one out. So, I completed two-thirds of the experiment. This experiment deals with collecting stream/lake water and testing its three different factors (temperature, conductivity, pH). Since I did not have easy access to stream water, I simply used tap water. This experiment could be used during the teaching of an ecology unit. To be specific: Utah State Standard 1, Objective 3. It would be an engaging way for students to see how abiotic factors might affect biotic factors (how temperature, conductivity, and pH might affect the life forms found in the water source).

The middle screenshot is from the second experiment I conducted. This experiment tests the reflectivity of various, colored surfaces. This experiment could be used to teach Standard 1, Objective 3 (ecology) as well. The results show that lighter colored surfaces are more reflective of light. This could lead into a discussion of the different biomes and how reflectivity affects those ecosystems. In addition, this experiment could also be used to introduce Standard 2, Objective 3 (photosynthesis). The results indicate that darker colors, like green, are less reflective. This could potentially lead into a discussion of plants using light for photosynthesis.

Answers to Questions:
I learned, for one, how to use probes and sensors. I had never used Logger Pro before now. I was impressed by how sensitive the sensors were. They seemed to be giving some very accurate data.

I learned that Logger Pro is an incredibly easy, and interactive way to engage students in the learning process. It makes the process of collecting and analyzing data a lot more interesting. I could see myself using this technology in my classroom whenever we would normally be collecting any type of data. If Logger Pro would work for it, I would use it.

I feel, of the probes I checked out (light, temperature, conductivity, gas pressure) the following would be the most valuable to me: temperature, light, conductivity. I also feel pH might be useful. I think these probes/sensors could be very useful in teaching, among other things, an ecology unit. I thought the gas pressure sensor might be a little more suitable for a chemistry class.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed playing around with Logger Pro. It is definitely a technology I would use in my classroom.  

Thursday, October 20, 2011

First Personal Technology Project

I have completed my first personal technology project. I created a webquest using

The lesson I created on the webquest fits into the USOE core curriculum under standard 4, objective 3.
Here's the link to my webquest. I hope you like it.

Zunal Webquest

The whole experience of making the webquest was surprisingly easy. I didn't find difficulty in doing anything. The website gave step by step instructions on what should be included on each page. I have found that webquests are such an awesome way to gather multiple resources of information into one location for students to access. In addition, it gives the students a more interactive way to learn the material, than the traditional method of lecturing from the teacher. Webquests also provide a means for teachers to just have fun with the students. I tried to organize mine into a mini "mission" for the "agents" to complete. This would definitely engage students a little more. I would definitely not hesitate to use another webquest in my teaching.

I think Utah core curriculum standard 2, objective 1 and standard 3, objective 1 would both be good areas to consider webquests. Those two obectives just include so much information. Being able to provide the students with various methods of learning the material would be important in these cases. 

Well, I hope you enjoyed what you saw!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

PTP Choices

I have decided that for my personal technology projects, I am going to learn how to use logger pro and I am going to create a webquest using zunal. I've already started my webquest, and it's been a lot of fun. I think webquest will definitely be a helpful tool in the future.