Sunday, November 13, 2011


For my second personal technology project, I learned how to use Logger Pro. I had a lot of fun fiddling around with the different sensors I checked out. I chose two experiments that could be done using various probes. The following are screenshots from the experiments:

The screenshots titled "Temperature" and "Conductivity" are from the same experiment. A third sensor (the pH sensor) could also have been used in this experiment. However, I had not checked that one out. So, I completed two-thirds of the experiment. This experiment deals with collecting stream/lake water and testing its three different factors (temperature, conductivity, pH). Since I did not have easy access to stream water, I simply used tap water. This experiment could be used during the teaching of an ecology unit. To be specific: Utah State Standard 1, Objective 3. It would be an engaging way for students to see how abiotic factors might affect biotic factors (how temperature, conductivity, and pH might affect the life forms found in the water source).

The middle screenshot is from the second experiment I conducted. This experiment tests the reflectivity of various, colored surfaces. This experiment could be used to teach Standard 1, Objective 3 (ecology) as well. The results show that lighter colored surfaces are more reflective of light. This could lead into a discussion of the different biomes and how reflectivity affects those ecosystems. In addition, this experiment could also be used to introduce Standard 2, Objective 3 (photosynthesis). The results indicate that darker colors, like green, are less reflective. This could potentially lead into a discussion of plants using light for photosynthesis.

Answers to Questions:
I learned, for one, how to use probes and sensors. I had never used Logger Pro before now. I was impressed by how sensitive the sensors were. They seemed to be giving some very accurate data.

I learned that Logger Pro is an incredibly easy, and interactive way to engage students in the learning process. It makes the process of collecting and analyzing data a lot more interesting. I could see myself using this technology in my classroom whenever we would normally be collecting any type of data. If Logger Pro would work for it, I would use it.

I feel, of the probes I checked out (light, temperature, conductivity, gas pressure) the following would be the most valuable to me: temperature, light, conductivity. I also feel pH might be useful. I think these probes/sensors could be very useful in teaching, among other things, an ecology unit. I thought the gas pressure sensor might be a little more suitable for a chemistry class.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed playing around with Logger Pro. It is definitely a technology I would use in my classroom.  

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