Thursday, October 20, 2011

First Personal Technology Project

I have completed my first personal technology project. I created a webquest using

The lesson I created on the webquest fits into the USOE core curriculum under standard 4, objective 3.
Here's the link to my webquest. I hope you like it.

Zunal Webquest

The whole experience of making the webquest was surprisingly easy. I didn't find difficulty in doing anything. The website gave step by step instructions on what should be included on each page. I have found that webquests are such an awesome way to gather multiple resources of information into one location for students to access. In addition, it gives the students a more interactive way to learn the material, than the traditional method of lecturing from the teacher. Webquests also provide a means for teachers to just have fun with the students. I tried to organize mine into a mini "mission" for the "agents" to complete. This would definitely engage students a little more. I would definitely not hesitate to use another webquest in my teaching.

I think Utah core curriculum standard 2, objective 1 and standard 3, objective 1 would both be good areas to consider webquests. Those two obectives just include so much information. Being able to provide the students with various methods of learning the material would be important in these cases. 

Well, I hope you enjoyed what you saw!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

PTP Choices

I have decided that for my personal technology projects, I am going to learn how to use logger pro and I am going to create a webquest using zunal. I've already started my webquest, and it's been a lot of fun. I think webquest will definitely be a helpful tool in the future.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Copyright Assignment

This video comes from a media content package that accompanies a Miller and Levine Biology textbook. The individual who posted this video on YouTube did cite it as having come from Prentice Hall. However, since this is material that is normally sold to schools, broadcasting it on the internet where anyone can find and view it without having to pay is in violation of the Fair Use act.

This video was created by a student for educational purposes. The student used a variety of images (none being used for extended periods of time). The entire thing, though, was only sung to the tune of one song (a song by Soulja Boy). While the video is probably still protected under the Fair Use act, the creator could have used small bits of multiple songs and the video would have had the same effect. In addition, none of the images were cited. They should have been in order to remain compliant with copyright law.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Class Web Site

Here's the link to my class web site:

I answered the questions for our IPT class on the "announcements" page under AP Biology.

I customized my site with a sleek color scheme, a picasa slide show of photos relevant to my subject matter, a separate "Resources" tab under which I included a couple sites that may be helpful to students, and a YouTube video of the central dogma (a key concept in Biology).

Lastly, the calendars I embedded will pop up on October (since that's our current month). However, I filled in dates from the start of school (at the end of August) to the end of September. So, you just need to go back a month or two to see those postings.